Over the last 18 months our focus changed somewhat. While I will always be The Prepper's Wife, I've spent time soul searching on who else I am~ I'm a Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend.... And an urban farmer/ homesteader... We have been aquiring new skills, and are on year four with our chickens, year seven on growing skills. Now it's time to make the move from this home.... To OUT THERE. Our forever place. We're currently seeking 5+ acres in Western NC.
What have you been up to what skills have you gained? What are you working on for 2016?
We will continue to work on:
Growing food and herbs
Raising chickens
Cooking from scratch
I'd like to do more in 2016:
Get back to sewing
More herbal remedies
Make & sell soap
Growing more herbs rather than buying them
Actually create YouTube content to give back to the community I've learned so much from.
Lets grow together.