Here’s a list of things to get your vehicles ready for the winter. It’s just starting to get cold in some places. October is an excellent time to focus on winter preps. Be sure to check all your vehicles. Start by ALWAYS filling the gas tanks in case you have to leave. Never let your tanks get below half filled, just in case.
Do you have a car kit?
Is there a First-aid kit in it?
A roadside emergency kit in it?
If your car stalled on winter day with freezing temps, or you got a flat tire, or you ran out of gas how would you stay warm? How would you communicate with the outside world? Do you have snacks? If you had to walk home or to get help and you weren’t dressed for the weather, does your car kit have an appropriate outfit to keep you warm? Your children too? Shoes? Extra socks? It’s important to think about these things BEFORE you need them. Once you have assembled your car kit don’t forget to:
Check or have checked the following items on your car:
1. Antifreeze levels - ensure they are sufficient to avoid freezing.
2. Battery and ignition system - should be in top condition and battery terminals should be clean.
3. Brakes - check for wear and fluid levels.
4. Exhaust system - check for leaks and crimped pipes and repair or replace as necessary. Carbon monoxide is deadly and usually gives no warning.
5. Fuel and air filters - replace and keep water out of the system by using additives and maintaining a full tank of gas.
6. Heater and defroster - ensure they work properly.
7. Lights and flashing hazard lights - check for serviceability.
8. Oil - check for level and weight. Heavier oils congeal more at low temperatures and do not lubricate as well.
9. Thermostat - ensure it works properly. (Yes ladies, the car has a thermostat)
10. Tires - make sure the tires have adequate tread. All-weather radials are usually adequate for most winter conditions. However, some jurisdictions require that to drive on their roads, vehicles must be equipped with chains or snow tires with studs.
11. Windshield wiper equipment - repair any problems and maintain proper washer fluid level.
Oh and one more quick thing ~
Happy Birthday Mom. I love you.
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