Once upon a time I had a thyroid. It went nuts, I had all kinds of problems. After months of various issues the final straw for me was when cancer was identified. The C word?? Okay time to see a surgeon. I did some research but when you hear the word cancer, a part of you just stops hearing everything else. Sure there are options but thyroid cancer is 100% survivable with removal of the thyroid. Who can argue with that diagnosis? Three surgeries and four months later, no thyroid. No more problems right? WRONG. Now I'm on thyroid meds forever, and at first that sounded not so bad, lots of people have to take a pill a day how bad could this be? It's a death sentence in a sideways world.
If I had known then, what I know now about not having a thyroid I would have tried to keep at least part of mine. I was afraid of cancer and all I knew was surgery would get it all. Most people think your heart keeps you alive, and it does it pumps your blood throughout your body while your thyroid hormone regulates every system in your body. No thyroid hormone and your body slowly dies which is why you must take a synthetic thyroid hormone for the rest of your life. Now I'm young and sometimes think I know better so I tried herbal alternatives and to be honest they do support an ailing thyroid, but if you don't have a thyroid there is nothing there to support. You must have thyroid hormone to live therefore in a sideways world you're going to need your meds.
It boils down to this how long do you want to live if conventional means of getting meds has been cutoff. Our youngest child is three. If the world went sideways today I want to see my children grow up. Where do I get a stockpile of meds that will keep me alive? I have to say we had a plan or two that wasn't completely solid. I have discovered a prepper Doctor Bob and I want to share the link with you. I am not a doctor, but I know it's time to get real and face the what ifs ~ what if I can't get my thyroid medicine? Have you thought about it? Now is the time.
Check out this article & website Surviving Healthy:
No More Thyroid Meds ~ Now What? DocsWife
I've wondered the same thing. My son is a severe asthmatic and even the slightest chest cold sends him into respiratory destress. Knowing everything we've gone through with his medical needs over the last 6 years, I'm anxious to have a stockpile of prescriptions for him in addition to antibiotics etc. How do I legally obtain these? Any thoughts? What's the point of prepping if I can't keep my family healthy once the stuff hits the fan?
Please use the link provided just below my siggy in the blog post, you want to explore the consulting options from Surviving Healthy (dot) com
I've been living without a thyroid for 12 years now. I agree, had I known then what I know now, I would have run from doctors. 21st century medical science has proven that every individual cell NEEDS T3, not T4. T2 + T4, in the liver, = converted T3 and converted T3 can NOT, repeat, NOT cross the blood brain barrier. So, if you have no thyroid, you have no T2 to convert T4 into the T3 you need, and you have no T3 for everything from the neck up, like equilibrium, hearing, eyesight, enamel on your teeth, cognition, emotional control, memory, etc. Treating chimps who have no thyroid with Synthroid is a punishable crime, yet humans continue suffering with this "acceptable" standard of "care."
Hi, I also have no thyroid. Only, I'm congenital. I was born without a thyroid. It's been a really hard road. I get so angry when people who have a thyroid try to make it seem like it's not a big deal. That I am "being dramatic." I also recently had a doctor who would listen to me leave the practice. I feel so lost now. No one seems to know what to do with me, or how to help me. I feel for anyone who doesn't have a thyroid. It sux in a way others will (hopefully) never understand.
Some research (please do your own) suggests you can survive with dessicated rabbit thyroid in a sideways world....
I am currently exploring this as a viable option. Keep the faith..
Pliz update with any news
Great Work and thanks for sharing such a knowledgeable post.
Hypitrol Review
I had my thyroid removed because of cancer. I now want to know if I can take the flu shot and the prison or 13 pneumonia shot. I cannot find anyone who will give me a definitive answer. Please help.
Been reading a few webpages on this. Before we took synthetic meds doctors were prescribing dried out pig thyroid. I think it was because it was the most similar to human. Read up on Armour and how it works as this is the modern dessicated pig thyroid that is sold today. I have also read that Sheep thyroid might have the right quantities of Thyroxine that we need. The problem is that animal thyroids also contain T3. For some people this causes heart racing problems. Stop the Thyroid Madness has an article about this.
Just found this website which will help you all. http://www.themedicalprepper.com/medicines-hypothyroidism-desiccated-pig-thyroid-treatment/
I can't give medical advice as I am not a licensed practitioner. However I will tell you this. My family will NEVER get another flu shot. If you do your own research on the negatives associated with the flu "vaccine" you most likely will come to the same conclusion.
Just search YouTube for "flu shot" there's first hand accounts...
I'm not a medical professional. This is not medical advice...RUN from the flu vax as fast and far as you can.
Stay Blessed.
Thanks! Since this original post we have done a lot of research. We've just settled in our new 38ac homestead and will be breeding meat rabbits. One of the things we will be doing is harvesting the thyroid to dessicate. My doctor is willing to work with me to find the right dose. Once achieved we will then figure out how sustainable it is. We do know we can raise more rabbits in a smaller space than pigs or sheep I'm quite hopeful.
Look for an update late spring
Stay Blessed!
Thank you!
We just moved this past month to our 38ac homestead. I will updating late spring/early summer 2017 with my results from desiccated rabbit thyroid as a personal solution. I'm not a medical professional so I can't give advice but I can share how we do things.
Stay Blessed!
Thank you!
Hi The Preppers Wife,
I felt the same way you did when I found out I had thyorid cancer... Just take the whole bloom'n thing outta me! Ohhh how hindsight is 20/20 and now I'm concerned about my future. I had read Dr.Bob before finding you and like he said I'm freaking out alittle bit, not about dying because I'm a Christian but the way my kids would see me suffer and the way I'd feel. I don't want to die unnecessarily for lack of medication, I want to be here until I'm old and feeble (if it's God's will). I'm curious to know how the rabbit thyroid worked out for you and what your steps for doing it are. Peace and Love to all!
God Bless
Dr Bob's website doesn't seem to be working anymore. Do you know how to reach her to get a stockpile of thyroid meds?
I have no thyroid and it sucks. I feel so much weaker. I want my life back
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